Is Malahide the best location to live in Ireland?
According to our analysis of 2006 census data – Malahide came out top of all the towns with a population of 1500 or more. Malahide beat over 180 other towns into 1st place in the chart.
Based on statistics  for thing slike  unemployment, sickness, lone parents, voluntary work, education levels and housing – Malahide seems to be the best place to live. Of course there are other factors that have not been considered here such as house prices and crime – but on the statistics available from the census – Malahide comes out best.

Unemployment in Malahide is low – just 2.61% – less than half the average for the country (5.89%).
Just 1.77% of the workforce in Malahide are not able to work because of ill health problems – this is well below the national average of 4.71%
Of those living in Malahide and working – the majority work in management/ government or clerical work (30.1% of the workforce). Malahide has the highest percentage of workers in Ireland in this category of work(clerical – management – government)Lone parent households make up 11.04% of family units in Malahide – which is almost 45% below the average for Ireland of 19.3%.
The percentage of single people in Malahide is 55.4% – the lowest in Ireland and about 15% below the average for Ireland which is 64.28% single people. (This has not been classed as a “good” thing)
Local Authority rented homes make up only 2.04% of the total dwelling units in Malahide – compared to 9.06% average for the country.
Central Heating – 2.13% of all homes in Malahide have no central heating – which is 80% lower than the country as a whole (10.22%). Nearly one third of homes in Malahide (32.34) are owned outright – with no mortgage. This compares with 28% across Ireland as a whole

Of the people living in Malahide who have completed their education – just 6.38% went no further than primary school or had no formal education at all. The national average of 16.72% going no further than primary education- is almost treble that of Malahide.
Graduates make up 34.85% of the Malahide workforce – over 100% higher than the average for the Irish population of 16.56%.
More people are involved in voluntary work in Malahide than the national average. 19% of the over 15s in Malahide said they do some sort of voluntary work compared to the national average of 15.42% – about 20% more.
The population of Malahide has a slightly older age profile than the national average. 34.5.5% of Malahide residents are over 45 compared to 30.9% for the whole of Ireland. The percentage of retired people is just below the average at 10.91%.

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