Portmarnock is in 2nd place in the Towns-Ireland.com chart of top twenty towns in Ireland. Using the most recent census data we found that Portmarnock had the following interesting statistics. (Top of the list was Malahaide)
More about the stats used

Total population of Portmarnock is 8979.
Only 2.58% of the workforce are classed as unemployed – the average unemployment rate for Ireland as a whole is over 100% higher than that at 5.89%. Portmarnock had the third lowest unemployment rate in Ireland at the 2006 census.
Just 2.23% of the workforce in Portmarnock stated that they cannot work because of health or disability – this is also 50% lower than the national average.
Eighty percent of homes have computers in Portmarnock (highest computer ownership in Ireland) and 45% have broadband.

Lone parent households make up 11.47% of family units in Portmarnock – which is almost 45% below the average for Ireland of 19.3%.
Council rented houses are only 1.35% of the total dwelling units in Portmarnock – compared to 9.06% average for the country.
Central Heating is commonplace in Portmarnock – with just 1% of all homes without it – this is 90% lower than the country as a whole (10.22%).
Over a third of homes in Portmarnock (35.41%) are owned outright – with no mortgage. This compares with 28% across Ireland as a whole

Of the people living in Portmarnock who have completed their education – 7.73% only went as far as primary school or had no formal education at all. The national average is more than double that at 16.72%
People with a third level degree or a higher qualification make up 30.51% of the Portmarnock workforce – the 7th highest in the country.

Community involvement: – more people are involved in voluntary work in Portmarnock than the national average. 19.57 % of the over 15s carry out some sort of voluntary work compared to the national average of 15.42% – which is about 20% more. This is the 8th highest in Ireland.

The population of Portmarnock has a slightly older age profile than the national average. 38.4% of Malahide residents are over 45 compared to 30.9% for the whole of Ireland. The percentage of retired people though – is below the average of 11.05% at 8.84%.

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